1. Big big congratulations to the whole UK Conservative Party on their successful election result. I think that every man and woman in blue feels that it could be even better in the North of England as well as in Wales and Scotland, but we must not be impatient. People's trust can be lost very quickly, but you need to go through a hard time to win it back. However, 41 per cent of the vote is an excellent result and according to the latest news the Tories' gains reached 900 which is fantastic! Labour were slapped in the face and all the pre-election polls that had showed them trailing behind Cameron's Conservatives were confirmed. And with regard to LibDems, this political party led by Sir Ming is just ridiculous. The only thing that casts shadows on the last Friday's elections is a victory of Scottish Nationalists. I'm very curious about Alex Salmond's next tactics.
2. Congratulations also to all you, my fellow bloggers (Tony Sharp, Richard Bailey, Robert Rams, Iain Lindley, Peter Smallbone and so on and so on; those not mentioned, please, do not feel offended), who were standing as candidates in these local elections! It doesn't matter whether you were or were not elected, I'm proud of you, because I know what it takes to undergo a campaign. Great job, guys!
3. On the other hand, apologies to you, my readers, for abandoning you and for not posting regularly. As I mentioned in my post from April 10, I am in a period of a job-changing, so I need to get accustomed to my new work, my new office and new people I work with and those who I meet on an everyday basis.

Moreover I decided to rebuild my bathroom and toilet, so currently my flat looks as a WWII battlefield with pieces of bricks and tens of kilograms of dust everywhere and a new bath standing in my living room (and craftsmen smoking on my balcony). I am getting a little bit nervous, but I need to keep a stiff upper lip.
4. To Damon Lord: I promise I will post more on Czech and Slovak politics, but in view of mentioned circumstances (see number 3) I have not been able to post as frequently as usual. In my April posts I pursued mostly British politics because I could afford to make them short (notes or sketches) which would not have been possible if I had chosen Slovak politics to write about. In that case it would have been necesary to describe situation, relations and other details for you, my UK readers to understand and unfortunately I hadn't have enough time for it. I promise that in 7 or max. 10 days time I will resume blogging at my previous normal pace.